The Intelligent Information Processing (IIP) Lab. is part of the ISN State Key Laboratory, at Xidian University. Founded in 2014, it has a young and energetic research team, directed by Professor Nannan Wang , and now has 7 academic staffs. The research direction of the lab is in the frontier areas related to artificial intelligence, such as Credible Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC).
Members of the team have led or participated in many research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Science and Technology Support Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Research Program, etc., and published many papers on top journals, e.g. IEEE TPAMI, TNNLS, TIP, TMM, TC, IJCV, and top conferences, e.g. ICML, NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, IJCAI, AAAI.
1 paper is accepted by NeurIPS (CCF-A)!
4 paper about AIGC is accepted by ACM MM 2023 (CCF-A)!
2 papers about AIGC are accepted by CVPR 2023 (CCF-A)!
2 papers about Credible AI are accepted by ICML 2023 (CCF-A)!